Terms and conditions
Terms and Conditions of Purchase
These General Conditions of Purchase regulate the use of the website, aymarwines.com, of which Orbisvinus, SL is the owner.
The domains www.aymarwines.cat with all associated subdomains, belong to Orbisvinus, SL, NIF: B66168527 with address in Vilafranca del Penedès, Carrer Pla de Cavalls 40, Pacs del Penedès, 80796 (Barcelona). Orbisvinus, SL, is a limited company constituted November 26, 2013 and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona in volume 44086 folio 120 sheet B446590.
For any questions, you can contact us by phone 93 890 51 51, or by sending an email to info aaymarwines.com.
In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, and the rest of the applicable regulations, Orbisvinus, SL informs:
The Purchase Conditions establish the rights and obligations of all users of the Moments Aymar SL online store, in relation to the products and services we offer through our website aymarwines.com.
By using the aymarwines.com website or placing an order through it, you are aware of being bound by these Terms and our Privacy Policy, so if you do not agree with all the Terms and the Privacy Statement, you should not place any order.
The aymarwines.com website aims to sell products such as wines and sparkling wines to people over 18 years of age. The characteristics of the same appear reflected in the corresponding pages of this website, as well as the particularities of each operation that can be carried out in this environment, always in Catalan and Spanish.
These conditions may be modified, so you must read them before placing each order.
The placing of an order in aymarwines.com is equivalent to the full and complete acceptance of the prices, the description of the products on sale and the general conditions of sale, which will be the only ones applicable to the contract thus concluded.
The buyer undertakes to make use of the aymarwines.com website only to make legally valid queries or orders. The buyer is also obliged to provide in a certain and correct way his contact data, also consenting to the being able to use this information to contact him if necessary.
When placing an order through aymarwines.com, it guarantees to be fully authorized to use the payment card, in case of choosing this payment method. Only people with the legal capacity necessary to sign contracts related to the class of goods and services proposed on this website can place orders at aymarwines.com.
The delivery of the orders will be made by Moments Aymar SL by their own means or through a transport agency designated by Moments Aymar SL. Orders will be delivered at the address designated by the customer or in any of the physical stores of Moments Aymar SL, if the customer so decides. Moments Aymar SL does not assume any responsibility when the delivery cannot be carried out as a result of the fact that the data provided are inaccurate or incomplete or when the delivery cannot be made due to the absence of the recipient. Without prejudice to the foregoing, Moments Aymar , SL will adopt the measures required of the merchant so that the delivery can be carried out as soon as possible, both to the satisfaction of the sender and that of the recipient.
Moments Aymar SL undertakes to deliver the products in perfect condition to the delivery address you sign in the order form. You can request the delivery of the items, at another home and to another natural person other than the one who subscribes the order.
With regard to deliveries in hospitals, public bodies and other properties in which there are restrictions on access to the general public, Moments Aymar SL does not guarantee that it is made directly to the recipient, being fulfilled the order and free of responsibility, when the order has been made available to the recipient at the reception or place that makes the access control times.
The period of delivery of the articles is indicated in the detail sheet of the same.
The delivery time of the order will depend on the selected shipping method. Each shipping method has its own restrictions and / or charges that will apply to your order. Working days count from Monday to Friday, except if any of them is a local or national holiday.
The calculation of this period is based on several factors, including the destination address and the speed with which we can process and assemble the products of the order for its shipment (the general shipping period is indicated on the detail page of each product, for information, so that you can evaluate the speed of the shipment of the order).
Moments Aymar SL offers the possibility of making the payment by card. The credit card is charged at the same time as the order is placed, through the payment gateway of the corresponding financial institution and once it has been verified that the data communicated are correct.
In this sense, confidential data is transmitted in an encrypted form (SSL) to the corresponding financial institution. The SSL encryption system that we use gives total security to the transmission of data through the network. Your data enjoys total confidentiality and protection.
Security in electronic purchase is guaranteed by the corresponding bank. This has the necessary security means to identify possible errors in the data provided when making payment by card.
Credit card data is not recorded in any of our databases. They are only used in the virtual POS (Terminal Point of Sale) of our financial institution, through its Safe Payment gateway.
Credit cards will be subject to checks and authorisations by the issuing entity, but if the entity does not authorize payment, we will not be responsible for any delay or lack of delivery and we will not be able to formalize any contract with you.
Moments Aymar SL reserves the right to change the payment modalities, being able to create new or eliminate any of the existing ones, without the user / client of aymarwines.com being able to make claims for this reason. However, if the change in the payment method affects an order already made, from aymarwines.com we would contact the customer to inform them of this change, offering them the option to cancel the order if they deem it appropriate.
The prices indicated below each product are total (VAT included) and to them you only have to add the shipping costs that, for each destination and chosen transport option, are specified. Prices are reflected in euros. The prices and conditions exposed are valid at all times, and are valid only in the open session. In order confirmation information, prior to the buyer accepting the operation, the prices of each of the items chosen are clearly specified, the delivery costs that will be applicable to the operation and the promotions or discounts that, where appropriate, are applicable.
When placing the order through the website, the invoice or any information about the order, you can request it through the Contact page of the portal or by sending an email to info-aymarwines.com
Moments Aymar SL reserves the right to modify at any time the sales prices that appear in aymarwines.com, but the articles will be billed based on the rates in force at the time the order is registered under availability reservation on that date.
For any information about web orders or the characteristics of the products and services we offer, as well as if you want to communicate any type of incident or claim that makes the online purchase, you can do so through the Contact page of the portal or by sending an email info@aymarwines.com.
Right of revocation: Art. 44 of Law 7/1996, of January 15, on the Regulation of the Retail Trade, confers the Customer the right to revocation of the order requested within 14 calendar days from receipt of the same, prior communication with Moments Aymar SL (by email addressed to info'aymarwines.com, with return of the price that he had paid for the product. The return of the product will be exercised without penalties so that Divinic, SL will proceed to the refund of the total amount of the purchase, including, if any, the shipping costs. Moments Aymar SL offers the possibility of returning any product purchased with home delivery or delivered to the physical stores of Moments Aymar SL. In order to make the return, the product must be complete and in perfect condition.
Return by product defects, defects produced in the transport or error in the shipment: if at the time of delivery it is appreciated in a visible and clear way, without the need to manipulate the shipping packaging or those of the product, that a product has defects caused by damage in the transport or a defect in the merchandise received is appreciated, the customer must communicate to Divinic Food SL (by email addressed to info ' aymarwines. com) in the course of the 48 hours following the receipt of the order to be able to urge the return of the affected product or products and with it the replacement by a new one or the refund of the price paid by it. Repair and / or replacement of the defective product will be free for the consumer and user. This gratuity will include the necessary expenses incurred to solve the lack of conformity of the products with the contract, especially shipping costs, as well as costs related to labor and materials.
In case of defective product, the seller must proceed, as appropriate, to the repair, replacement, reduction of the price or resolution of the contract, procedures that will be free for the consumer and user. The seller is responsible for any breaches of conformity that occur within two years of delivery. The consumer and user must inform the seller of the lack of conformity within two months of being aware of it.
This right of withdrawal will not apply to those products purchased through the aymarwines.com portal that, in accordance with the regulations in the matter, as they are downloads of digital content, sound recordings, videos, discs and the like, personalized products or that for hygiene reasons or other legally provided exceptions are not susceptible to withdrawal.
Moments Aymar SL may not be held liable for damages, whatever their nature, both material and non-material or bodily, that may result from the operation or improper use of the products marketed.
The same applies to possible modifications made to products by suppliers. Moments Aymar SL may not be considered responsible by a customer or a third party for indirect damages, losses of exploitation or ceasing profit occurred by the means that were even if this damage, loss or damage has been foreseeable by Moments Aymar SL or if its eventuality had been brought to your attention.
Moments Aymar SL may not be held responsible for breach of the contract signed in case of force majeure, interruption of activity or total or partial strike, especially postal services and means of transport or communications, floods or fire.
The provisions of this clause will not affect the rights recognized by law as a consumer, nor the right to withdraw the contract.
In case of litigation, the customer may first contact Divinic Food, SL to reach a friendly resolution.
The buyer acknowledges and agrees that the elements and rights of intellectual property, industrial or otherwise (including without limitation any copyrights, patents, trademarks, designs, photographs, images, and source code) relating to the web platforms of Divinic Food, SL, to which access may be granted, are the exclusive property of Moments Aymar SL. The user may not, directly or indirectly, copy, modify, alter, publish, communicate, distribute, sell, or transmit the materials of this platform or its source code, or the downloads made, in whole or in part, without the written authorization of Moments Aymar SL.
These General Conditions will be governed and interpreted in accordance with current legislation. For any litigation arising from the commercial relations between the user and Moments Aymar SL the parties agree to submit to the provisions of current legislation in the matter.